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During the next period, PALGO smart will provide support to

the Faculty of Architecture and the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities in creating a platform where representatives of local self-government units and other stakeholders will be able to:

Learn practical ways that can help them reduce energy costs,


Discover available energy grants and subsidies,


Hear about best practices that  have achieved success in energy efficiency field,


Meet  experts working on new energy technologies and innovations that could cut costs.

EE platforma znanja
Activities >

Jan Gehl's visit to Podgorica

Podgorica should develop on ecological principles

Podgorica, January 2018

Podgorica should focus on walking, cycling and public transport. This is the ecologically sustainable concept for the city, said Professor Jan Gehl, Danish architect, urban planner and a visionary, global leading authority in public space design and in the promotion of its use in the cities.

Awarded Social Housing Project

"Self-Expandable Social Housing Project" was designed within the IPA Project of the City of Belgrade, City Municipality of Zvezdara and PALGO 

Belgrade, 6–16 December 2017

Within the Fifth International Conference and Exhibition at the SANU Gallery (Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts), entitled ON ARCHITECTURE 2017, organized by  STRAND – Sustainable Urban Society Association, the international jury composed of: Mitesh Dixit (USA), Cristian Suau (UK), Elif Ayiter (Turkey), Nora Lefa (Greece), Stanko Gakovic (USA), Anastasios Tellios (Greece) and Wilfried van Winden (Netherlands) awarded the Special Award for Architecture and Interior Design to the Project "SELF-EXPANDABLE SOCIAL HOUSING".

The authors of the awarded project Vesna Mila Čolić Damjanović and Miloš Komlenić, both from the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Belgrade, have developed the project within the IPA Project "Making a Sustainable Neighborhood for Roma in Belgrade" (IPA 2013, Durable housing solutions and physical infrastructure improvements in Roma settlements), prepared jointly by the City of Belgrade, City Municipality of Zvezdara and PALGO.

Right to City for All

Skopje, 6-7 December 2017


In Skopje, on 6-7 December a regional conference of UN-HABITAT and UN Women was held, entitled "Right to City for All" (Right 2 City 4 All), focusing on the safety of women in the public space.

Experts from the public and civil sector from Kosovo, Macedonia, Italy, France, India and Serbia have spoken about the experiences of their cities. Executive Director of PALGO smart Dušan Damjanović spoke about the process of shaping public spaces in Belgrade in the context of city security.

Vienna Days in Zagreb

Zagreb, 28-30 November 2017

Within Vienna Days in Zagreb, representatives of the City of Belgrade and PALGO smart participated in the conference and accompanying workshops in the premises of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (HAZU).

The central part of the event was a two-day conference where experts from Vienna and Zagreb, in the presence of the representatives of Ljubljana, Sarajevo, Prague and Belgrade, discussed the topics of smart and innovative city, possibilities for regional cooperation, waste management, social integration, urban mobility, etc.

Smart Urban Planning

On 5 November 2017, a representative of PALGO smart held a lecture entitled "Smart Urban Planning - Public Engagement Roadmap" within the Smart City Education Initiative (SCEI) destined to decision-makers and young leaders from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia.


This regional gathering was held under the auspices of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation, the Belgrade Office.


The Development Strategy of the City of Belgrade until 2021 was adopted at the City Assembly on June 29, 2017

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